Like their sister ruby, Sapphires have decorated crowns & royalty and have been associated with romance. They have always been associated with blue, but we love using sapphires because they can come in many colors and they also happen to be the second hardest of all gemstones, first being the diamond. Trade accepted and common treatments to improve clarity and color for sapphires include heat treatment. This process is permanent and will endure the lifetime of the gemstone. Our policy is to disclose any or all treatment of any gemstones in our collection.
The ancient Persian rulers believed that the earth rested on a giant sapphire and its reflection colored the heavens blue. Indeed, the very name in Latin, “Sapphiru,” means blue. Source: AGTA.ORG
As with all fine jewelry, they should be removed at night. A gentle solution of warm water and gentle dish detergent also safely cleans Sapphire jewelry. Take care to not leave Sapphire submerged longer than overnight, and avoid submerging beads, cloth, or cord. To clean strands of beads, wipe them with a wet cloth after each wear. Additionally, most Sapphires will also withstand the vibrations of a professional jeweler’s ultrasonic cleaner, provided that the gemstone has no fissures. Avoid steam. Source: AGTA.ORG

Sapphires have been actively mined in Montana for more than 100 years and is the only state in the United States with production of any gem quality sapphires. Some Montana sapphires can be heated to get more desirable shades, but many cannot due to the chemistry of the sapphires. Our policy is to disclose any or all treatment of any gemstones in our collection. This is one gem that is genuinely mined in the USA!
Worn and coveted by royalty, ruby is the stone of kings and queens.
This is a gem we love with rich yellow gold. Its lush red color depends on how much chromium is present in the stone. The more chromium, the stronger the red color. This July birthstone would be a wonderful gift for your 40th wedding anniversary.

Rubies, like most corundum, are relatively hard and tough stone which makes it a great choice for daily wear jewelry.
Warm soapy water is always safe. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners are usually safe for untreated, heat-treated, and lattice diffusion treated stones. Fracture-filled, cavity-filled, or dyed material should only be cleaned with a damp cloth** Source:
It is common and acceptable for rubies to be heat treated. We do not use glass filled rubies.
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